with Brian Fraser, PhD, Lead Provocateur of Jazzthink; member of the Douglas College Faculty; and Minister at Brentwood Presbyterian Church
Thu, Nov 17, 2016 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM PST

How Good Can It Get?
The fourth (and final?) installment in our ongoing series of conversations about our members' vision for the future of the Society. This session will build on carefully laid groundwork to deliver practical strategies designed to re-energize the work of the Workplace Centre for Spiritual and Ethical Development. Come and be part of the conversation. Your voice is important.
This is another no-cost event in that attendance is free for everyone but there is no catering. Bring your own lunch and coffee if desired.
Please join us afterwards for the Workplace Centre Annual General Meeting. Learn about the Board and the operating side of our Society.
About Our Speaker:
Brian Fraser is minister with Brentwood Presbyterian Church, a Christian community in Burnaby, BC, that nourishes souls to flourish in the grace of Jesus Christ, and lead provocateur of Jazzthink, a coaching and consulting firm that provokes COOL conversations for SMARTer leadership. He taught Canadian church history, with a focus on leadership and organizational cultures, at Vancouver School of Theology from 1985 – 2001. Most of his academic publishing has been in the area of the Social Gospel in Canada. His doctoral work was published as the award-winning The Social Uplifters: Presbyterian Progressives and the Social Gospel in Canada, 1875 – 1915 (Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1988). His work at Jazzthink and Brentwood has focused on convening conversations that generate companionship.
Adler School of Professional Psychology
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