with Vince Gowmon, BBA, CPCC Certified Professional Life Coach
Thu, Nov 20, 2014 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM PST

Our world can’t go much further without each person honoring the human spirit and following the dreams that lie within. But in order to live and lead from our heart, we must look inside and ask ourselves some important questions.
And we must have the courage to act on the answers we find.
The good news is that we have a source of wisdom inside of us if we just listen to it. It is the voice of our intuition and the wonder of our childlike spirit. Both are key in reflecting our authentic self and in guiding us to make empowering choices that will lead our organizations and communities along happier and healthier roads.
In this inspiring presentation, Vince Gowmon will share his personal journey of living for four years below the poverty line, and the risks he took to follow his heart and live his passions.
About Our Speaker:
Vince Gowmon is a Certified Professional Life Coach trained through one of the top accredited coaching programs in the world - The Coaches Training Institute, and their Leadership Program. Vince has also received advanced training in Organization & Relationship Systems Coaching through the Centre for Right Relationship. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Simon Fraser University, concentrating on Human Resources, Marketing and International Business.
Click here for Vince's website
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