SPIRITUALITY & CONSCIOUS CHANGE: Creating change more effectively
with Eric Hellman, Communications/Change Coach, and Director, Centre for Spirituality at Work (Toronto)
Thu, Jan 15, 2015 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM PST

Creating change more effectively
We all want to see positive change: in our relationships & work, health, environment and world. Then why is it so difficult to create? And how can we be more effective?
As an environmental activist in the 1970s, Eric Hellman wanted answers to these questions. But as societal problems and personal conflicts grew, he was pushed to go deeper – to examine his core beliefs about relationships, science, spirituality, religion, and how change works. Then, fearing rejection for what he’d discovered, he chose never to speak of it again.
Today, Eric will share his story for the first time and explore with us:
what he learned, and what it took to move past his deepest fears;
what blocks us from making more progress;
ways to use spiritual insights to create “practical” change; and
how we can contribute to the consciousness shift that’s needed in our world.
About our Speaker
Eric Hellman is a coach in communications and change. His newest work is called “Conscious Change”: transforming the thinking behind our actions, to create change more effectively.
Experienced in many different fields, from computers, recycling & marketing to spirituality and health, his accomplishments include: ghostwriter of the bestselling book, Leadership from Within; co-coordinator of the UN Habitat Roundtable on Spirituality and Sustainability; co-founder of the “blue box” recycling program; and co-owner of a values-based small business.
Eric is also a Therapeutic Touch™ practitioner, student of A Course in Miracles, an avid photographer, and proud past Board member of Workplace Centre.
Click here for Eric's website
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