with Paul Devine, Lawyer, Labour Arbitrator and Mediator
Wed, May 11, 2016 7:15 AM - 8:30 AM PDT

Do Ethics Play a Role?
Labour relations is intended to be a rough and tumble business. Why should the parties be expected to understand and apply standards of ethics? Paul will frame our discussion by looking at the evolution of provincial and federal schemes that oversee labour relations within the Canadian understanding of Peace, Order and Good Government (POGG). Does the present system of labour relations in Canada strike a fair balance between the needs of labour and management? Have the economic powers between labour and management changed and what is appropriate government intervention in the economic model? Paul will examine if the present system of labour relations strikes a fair balance between the needs of labour and management and how well it serves the public interest.
Do moral and ethical precepts have a role in modern labour relations? What are the checks on unilateral management policies or the use Labour's ultimate economic weapon of withdrawal of services and picket lines? Paul will weigh standards of conduct and what constitutes unfair labour practices. He will consider the process of collective bargaining, the obligation to bargain in good faith and take a look at the application of government intervention regarding essential services and cooling off periods.
In this discussion, we will consider:
Does the present system of labour relations in Canada strike a fair balance between the needs of labour and management?
Is the public interest fairly considered and balanced?
Does a concept of ethics exist in this model directly or inferentially?
Is there a role for an “ethical” approach to labour relations; if so, what is the role?
How would you improve the Canadian model of labour relations?
About Our Speaker:
Paul Devine has a broad range of experience working in British Columbia’s complex and changing labour scene. He is now mostly retired from the practice of law but continues to work as a labour arbitrator and mediator. Paul previously held senior positions for several government agencies including the Workers' Compensation Board and the Labour Relations Board. Under the Workers' Compensation Act, he served as administrative chair and registrar of the independent appeal agency. He was later appointed as one of the four commissioners of the Workers' Compensation Board. As a Board member, Paul was responsible for WCB policy involving claims and assessments as well as occupational health and safety. He also heard appeals by employers and workers under the Workers' Compensation Act.
Paul Devine served as the Registrar and Vice-Chair with the B.C. Labour Relations Board adjudicating issues such as strikes, picketing, unfair-labour practices, and arbitration appeals. He has represented clients on labour relations matters both provincially and federally.
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